About – Aki Letvio | Turku, Finland


Illustrator and painter but with an MBA – based in Turku, Finland.

Aki Letvio (b. 1995) is based in Turku, Finland but has lived in several countries throughout her life. Having moved more times that fingers can count, she developed interest in different cultures, and accumulated knowledge of several languages (Finnish, Japanese, Russian, Spanish) along the way.

After receiving her MBA in international business and working in companies, she made a U-turn and went on to exploring old interests by illustrating book covers, painting loads of birds, and seeking new experiences by volunteering.​

She loves experimenting with various styles and media, from digital painting to traditional media such as ink pen and gouache, to photography, or a combination of these.

In personal paintings, birds appear the most, reasons for that are not yet clear. Drawings on the other hand are dominated by studies of hands (no pun intended).

Feel free to contact me for a chat.

Aki Letvio

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